3DCrafter 9/8 Quick Start Guide for Experienced Users

Terminology Changes

In this version of 3DCrafter objects are now referred to as shapes. This change was made for a few reasons. The word object was being used in such a way that it could cause confusion for script and plug-in writers. Many people confused object with scene component which can be a modifiable shape, a light, a camera, a group or a bone. Finally, shape is more commonly used in the 3D world to describe a scene component that is modifiable.

In keeping with the new use of the word shape, Object Libraries are now known as Component Libraries.

Scene Component Selection

3DCrafter 9/8 includes many changes, but the change that affects previous users of 3DCrafter the most is how scene components are selected.

In this version it is now possible to have an arbitrary selection of scene components. It is no longer necessary to select an entire group, or entire hierarchy. It is also possible now to select points, edges and faces across multiple shapes. This caused some changes in how keyboard functions operate. In addition, some changes were made to the keyboard functions to make them more consistent with how Windows uses keys when selecting items.

The biggest change to keyboard functions is that the the ctrl key now adds to a selection, and the shift key removes from the selection. This more consistent use of ctrl and shift required a number of changes to other keyboard functions. We recommend that all users read Using Alternate Keyboard Functions before beginning use of 3DCrafter 9/8.

Shape Builders

The Shape Builders now require that the alt key be held down while modifying existing points. For example, what required ctrl in version 7.1, requires alt-ctrl in 3DCrafter 9/8. This is due to the fact that ctrl and shift when used alone now mean "add to selection" and "remove from selection", respectively.

Boolean Operations

Boolean operations now require that both shapes required be selected. In the case of the subtract operation, the first selected is the target for the subtraction.


Undo and Redo now work for changes made by scripts and plug-ins.


Cut, Copy and Paste no longer copy the related operation layers. This was done to improve performance.

Component Libraries

Component Libraries no longer support shape operation layer histories. If you add a shape to a scene from a library, it's operation layers will not be copied. Component Libraries are for shapes that are fully complete, where the operation layer history is not required.

Moving Shapes

In previous versions of 3DCrafter if you moved one shape, all other shapes in the same group, or below the selected shape in the hierarchy were also moved. In this version, only those shapes selected are moved. To get the same behaviour as in version 7.1, you need to hold down the "a" key while selecting and dragging. This will select the entire hierarchy of shapes.

Group Selection Tool/Rectangle Selection Tool

The Group Selection Tool is now called the Rectangle Selection Tool. It now can be used to select shapes and other scene components as well as points, edges and faces. The default is for shapes to be selected. You can be specific about what you want by holding down the following keys while dragging:

1 � Select Points
2 - Select Edges
3 - Select Faces
4 - Select Shapes

When using the Component Selection Tool, you can click and drag to select multiple shapes just as though you were using the Rectangle Selection Tool, as long as there are no shapes directly below where you initially click.


The procedure for attaching bones to skins has changed considerably. More information is available in the Using Skeletal Bones section.

User Interface Changes

Component properties are now available via the Properties and Information panel, rather than a pop-up window. This panel is located on the right side of the 3DCrafter window by default.

This new Properties and Information panel, and the previously existing construction panel on the left side of the 3DCrafter window can now be pinned/unpinned and docked/undocked.


When exporting in previous versions of 3DCrafter you could select a single shape at the top of a hierarchy and all shapes below would be exported as well. Due to the new support for arbitrary selections, if you want to export something other than the full scene, you will need to right-click on a shape at the top of the hierarchy you want to export and choose "Select Hierarchy". Otherwise, only the single shape will be exported.

Windows Vista User Account Control

It is no longer necessary to turn on Windows Vista User Account Control with 3DCrafter 9/8.


Alt + Double-clicking on a scene component opens the properties for that scene component.

Ctrl + Double-clicking on a scene component opens the properties for the group the scene component is in.